Picture this: standing at the edge of a pool, toes dipping into the cool water, heart racing with anticipation. It’s like taking that first plunge into the unknown, unsure of what lies beneath the surface. But as the initial shock wears off, you find yourself immersed in the experience, ready to dive deeper.

Well here I am, I’m stepping into this adventure with you, not quite sure where it’ll lead, but excited to find out. Who am I, you ask? Well, that’s a question I’ve been pondering too. Sure, I’ve worn many hats—daughter, mother, wife—but there’s always been a part of me longing to break free, to discover who I truly am beyond those labels.

Life hasn’t always been a whirlwind of travel and excitement. In fact, for years, it was a steady routine of juggling motherhood and making ends meet. But now, as my kids have grown and flown the nest, I find myself at a crossroads, ready to spread my wings and see where the wind takes me.

So, here we are, embarking on this journey together. This blog is my space to share the ups and downs of navigating travelling in middle age and beyond, one adventure at a time. From heart-warming moments to hilarious mishaps, I’ll lay it all out there, no filter, just me being me.

So grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s dive into the great unknown. Here’s to new beginnings and discovering the extraordinary in the everyday.

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